Home SensorsKit Arduino and KY-009 RGB LED

Arduino and KY-009 RGB LED

by shedboy71

In this article, we connect an KY-009 RGB LED to an Arduino Uno

The KY-009 RGB Full Color LED module emits a range of colors by mixing red, green, and blue light. Each color is adjusted by using PWM.

This module consists of a 5050 SMD LED and a 4 pin header.

Operating Voltage 5V max
Red 1.8V ~2.4V
Green 2.8V ~ 3.6V
Blue 2.8V ~ 3.6V
Forward Current 20mA ~ 30mA
Operating Temperature -25°C to 85°C [-13°F ~ 185°F]
Board Diemsions 18.5mm x 15mm [0.728in x 0.591in]

Parts Required

You can connect to the module using dupont style jumper wire.

This should work with other Arduino board – I have tried an Uno and Mega

Name   Link
Arduino Uno
37 in one sensor kit
Connecting cables



Depending on the input voltage, series resistors are required.

Series resistor (3.3 V) [Red] 180 Ω
Series resistor (3,3 V) [Green] 100 Ω
Series resistor (3,3 V) [Blue] 100 Ω
Series resistor (5 V) [Red] 180 Ω
Series resistor (5 V) [Green] 100 Ω
Series resistor (5 V) [Blue] 100 Ω

I omitted these in this connection diagram

Code Example

Pulse width modulation [PWM] can be used to regulate the brightness of an LED – in this process, the LED is switched on and off at specific time intervals, with the ratio of the switch-on and switch-off times corresponding to a relative brightness.

int redpin = 11;    // select the pin for the red LED
int bluepin =10;   //select the pin for the blue LED
int greenpin =9; //select the pin for the green LED
int val;

void setup() 
  pinMode(redpin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(bluepin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(greenpin, OUTPUT);

void loop() 

for(val=255; val>0; val--)
   analogWrite(11, val);
   analogWrite(10, 255-val);
   analogWrite(9, 128-val);

for(val=0; val<255; val++)
   analogWrite(11, val);
   analogWrite(10, 255-val);
   analogWrite(9, 128-val);

  Serial.println(val, DEC);

You can also use

int RedLed = 11;
int Blueled = 10;
int GreenLed = 9; 

void setup ()
  // Initialize output pins for the LEDs
  pinMode (RedLed, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode (GreenLed, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (Blueled, OUTPUT); 
void loop ()
  digitalWrite (RedLed, HIGH); // LED is switched on
  digitalWrite (GreenLed, LOW); // LED is switched on
  digitalWrite (Blueled, LOW); // LED is switched on
  delay (1000);
  digitalWrite (RedLed, LOW); // LED is switched on
  digitalWrite (GreenLed, HIGH); // LED is switched on
  digitalWrite (Blueled, LOW); // LED is switched on
  delay (1000);
  digitalWrite (RedLed, LOW); // LED is switched on
  digitalWrite (GreenLed, LOW); // LED is switched on
  digitalWrite (Blueled, HIGH); // LED is switched on
  delay (1000);


Serial Monitor Output






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