The Multi-purpose Shield V2 is a learning board based on Arduino. No need for soldering and connection. Download directly the program to complete experiment. It is multi-purpose and we offer code libraries of all modules that have been tested. You can use them directly. There are extended ports on the shield to help you to complete other experiment.

multi purpose shield v2
Compatible with main controller on the market,such as UNO R3 and MEGA2560
Using 6-channel LED indicator to show the working condition of program for modulating program conveniently
Switching functions with 3-channel keyswitch
One reset button
Using revolving potentiometer to do analog input
Alarming and making sound by passive buzzer module
Using 4 bit LED Segment Displays to display data
Flashy leds
[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]
int led1 = 13; int led2 = 12; int led3 = 11; int led4 = 10; int led5 = 9; int led6 = 8; void setup() { pinMode(led1,OUTPUT); pinMode(led2,OUTPUT); pinMode(led3,OUTPUT); pinMode(led4,OUTPUT); pinMode(led5,OUTPUT); pinMode(led6,OUTPUT); for(char i=8;i<14;i++) { digitalWrite(i,HIGH); } } void loop() { digitalWrite(led1,LOW); delay(100); digitalWrite(led1,HIGH); digitalWrite(led2,LOW); delay(100); digitalWrite(led2,HIGH); digitalWrite(led3,LOW); delay(100); digitalWrite(led3,HIGH); digitalWrite(led4,LOW); delay(100); digitalWrite(led4,HIGH); digitalWrite(led5,LOW); delay(100); digitalWrite(led5,HIGH); digitalWrite(led6,LOW); delay(100); digitalWrite(led6,HIGH); }